Hello everyone!
Welcome to the new Redhill website. I just want to first of all say well done to all Beech students. You have all been amazing during this time of the school closure, getting on with your work and producing some excellent results. It's heartening to see how you and your families are adjusting to life at home, even though it is new and, at times, very difficult. I know you all miss actually being able to see your friends, but hopefully as the situation gradually improves, it won't be too long before school will be open again and we can all see each other.
I will post some links to websites up here, and a suggested timetable too, all of which you can access through your weekly emails too. I won't post up the weekly work lists as they are all slightly different for each one of you.
Remember that all these activities are suggestions, and that if anything feels overwhelming, please don't put yourselves under pressure. I put the timetable up to remind you how important it is to take regular breaks, like we do in school. Have a drink, a snack or do some exercise, or even take 10 minutes to get some fresh air and clear your mind. Only go back and do the next thing when you feel rested and ready.
If there are any problems or you want to ask any questions, please email me.
Wishing you all the best and I hope to see you all again soon.

Resources & Websites
Physical Education (P.E.)
Go here to make your own funky music!
Online jigsaws of all kinds!
These are some 5 minute meditations like the ones we do in school to help reduce anxiety, practice breathing, and help you relax!
Language & Communication
Fancy learning some Irish, German, French or Italian? Have a look!
3D drawing youtube videos.
Drawing video tutorials, e.g. How to draw a Labrador puppy
Stone painting (you need acrylic paint for this)
Origami (you will need A4 paper)
Remember the weekly work lists contain all your maths, English, Geography, History, Science suggestions!