Dear parents,
Below you will find a list of resources and activities that may be useful at home during this time. These are some suggested activities, that can be used where applicable and there is no obligation to complete the work.
These are general resources based on the work we do in class. If you require individual work, you can e-mail me and I will send that work to you, by way of worksheets. By pressing ctrl and click on the links below, you will be directed straight to the websites listed,
Magda Kolataj
Class Teacher.

Resources & Websites
- Useful websites are, where you can access the Rainbow readers that we use in school, along with the skills book for each core reader. and are also useful sites.
- You will find audio stories on such as ‘The very Hungry Caterpillar’. Students are used to listening to these in school. Turn on the subtitles so that your child can read along while listening.
- Do a word hunt – open a book and search for words in the book.
- Ask ‘wh’ questions based on what your child is reading.
- Have your child spell the words that he is searching for.
- Write or type My News each day – is a useful website.
- If you or your child is a member of a library you can access the app or website BorrowBox. You will be able to access both e-books and audio books here.
- have lots of writing templates.
- Spelling: use the Dolch sight words – you will find them on Twinkl.
- Continue to work on concepts such as big and small, long and short, wide and narrow etc.
- Counting objects.
- Matching quantity to symbol.
- 2d and 3d shapes.
- If your child is using a calculator – continue to practise this skill.
- has great interactive maths resources.
- You will be able to access the Busy at Maths books on also.
- Telling the time – hourly and half past the hour.
Independent Skills
- Practice independent skills such as putting on shoes and coat independently.
- Pair socks, sort coins, put cutlery in the correct place in a drawer.
- Bake or cook and have your child read the recipe, weigh the ingredients etc.
- Write or type a letter and send to a grandparent or a friend.
- Go on a nature walk and find signs of Spring/ Summer. Twinkl have lots of themed activity sheets that children can work on.
- Usually in school everyday we discuss the calendar.
Today is _____
The date is _____
The Month is _____
Discuss the weather today.
I can send on visuals for a chart to complete this activity via e-mail.
- Art for Kids Hub on youtube is great for drawing and colouring ideas.
- Sensory Play: water play, shaving foam play, cutting paper, using play-do.
- Fine Motor: dot to dot activities, jigsaws, drawing, tracing.
Visuals and Schedules
- Please feel free to contact me via e-mail if you require visuals for home and I will send them to you.