Dear Parents,
I would like to wish you and your family the best at this very difficult time. I hope that you are all coping as best as possible with social disatncing and the limits that have been put on our lives.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve decided to give you a few ideas of things you can do to help your child to learn. Please remember that the work is completely optional.
Below you will find
1) Some General Resources
2) How to access your child’s school books online.
3) Some excellent reading websites.
4) Some Ideas for Art, PE and exercise.
I hope that this helps you to allow your child to keep some normal routine in their daily lives at this difficult time.
Please remember that these resources are intended just to give you some guidance and need only be used if you so wish. There is no obligation for any work to be completed at home.
Wishing you and your family to remain safe and healthy,

Resources & Websites
General Resources
Twinkl are offering all parents a One Month FREE Ultimate Membership to This will allow parents unlimited access to every single resource for every single curriculum subject from junior infants to sixth class.
Setting this up is really easy to do - go to and enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS. This code will only work for new memberships.
Online activities covering all the curriculum. There are excellent activities for Maths and English on this website.
Scoilnet Primary is another website with a wealth of worksheets and topics for researching.
Topmarks is a great website for short game and activities
This is a great website for nursery rhymes and songs and has activities which accompany them
A number of book publishers have made their school books and resources available online to parents.
Pupil resources for programme include:
- Skills Books
- All readers
- Pupil’s digital resources
To access EDCO Learning online, please note:
Username: primaryedcobooks
Password: edco2020
Accessing Books online:
- Folens Online
To access all the digital resources:
- Go to and click register
- Select Teacher
- Fill in a username, email and password
- For Roll Number use the code: Prim20
To access all the digital resources:
1. Go to and click on the “click here” button.
2. Filter what books you want to search for
3. They will ask for your name, email and whether you are a student, parent or teacher
Follow this link to find a list of education companies that are offering free subscriptions due to school closures
Literacy/English Resources
Oxford Owl has an ebook library with over 250 books in it and offers free access to parents once you create an account. They also have some vocabulary and comprehension activities for most of the books.
PE (Physical Education)
GoNoodle is a really easy and good way to get kids moving. There are a number of dances that your child will be familiar with from school- Twist and Shout, Pop see ko, the maxerena and trolls can’t stop the feeling to name but a few.
The Learning Station is another way to get kids moving.
Visual Arts Resources
One of the best produced Visual Arts guides for the curriculum. The site may be dated but everything in it is gold!